My Experience at the Google India Tech Intern Connect 2019

Khyati Mahendru
5 min readJun 30, 2019


A few months back, I filled a Google form I received in my inbox from Google India. There was a question that really stumped me.

Which of the following events or programs from Google India are you aware of?

Here is my answer:

It is highly likely that most of you reading this are unaware of at least one of the programs from the list.

I immediately took a screenshot and set on researching each of these events.

I decided to try my level best to attend all of these events this year. So naturally, I was elated when I received an email from Google India with an invitation to register for the Tech Intern Connect 2019.

On 24th June 2019, I received yet another email saying that my application had been accepted and that I was invited for the Tech Intern Connect on 29th June 2019, at the Gurugram office!

What is Tech Intern Connect?

Tech Intern Connect is a networking event organized by Google Interns every year. It is an opportunity to network with Googlers, other tech interns from different organizations and universities and to learn more about Google’s culture. The event is held in the four Google offices — Bangalore, Gurugram, Hyderabad, and Mumbai — simultaneously.

Here is the agenda that I received in the email:

My Experience

I reached the Google Office sharp at 8:30 AM. The building is so beautiful and definitely took my breath away.

I went inside and registered. Then I was led to the Cafeteria for breakfast.

The Cafeteria was huge! My phone camera has not even captured half its beauty. The ambiance was amazing and I felt so lucky to have got the opportunity.

I chatted up with a few people — quick introductions followed by what everyone was working on. It was definitely a diverse group and I would be lying if I said that I did not feel a little intimidated.

Meet the Interns and Google India Overview

At 9 AM, all of us went to the hall where the entire event was to happen. There were 2 large projector screens on which we could see the people from the other 3 locations.

Our Google swag waited for us on our seats! I am going to be sneaky and not tell you what was in it :)

The event started with a game of People Bingo to get us all warmed up to each other. It was a nice ice-breaker.

This was followed by a talk by Rohit, the Director of Google Docs from the Bangalore Office. He shared the details of his journey to Google which surprisingly were relatable. He then discussed some projects that Google Interns had worked in the past and how they were now used in Google Products by people all over the world. It was so inspiring to hear how their work touched the lives of millions. I was particularly motivated by a quote that he shared, which I might have phrased incorrectly.

If you tell someone where to go but not how to reach there, you’ll be surprised with results.

He used this to emphasize how his interns were just explained about the problem statement and they worked on the solutions all on their own.

Google Codelab

This session was taken by two engineers from Google Bangalore who had flown in to be at the Gurugram Office. The session started with an introduction to Kick Start. And they cleared up a widespread myth.

No, performing badly in previous Kick Start rounds DOES NOT affect your chances of getting into Google if you perform well in the current round!

They then taught us the dreaded Dynamic Programming which I have always struggled with.

Due to the time constraint, the session was not as effective as I would have liked it to be. Nonetheless, we got some pointers on how to identify and solve DP problems.

I was not able to solve the Coding Challenge that they had for us. But I can’t wait to try my hands on it again after I thoroughly revise on Dynamic Programming.

Networking Lunch

The food was amazing and, of course, free. I got the chance to sit with Kathita, Product Technical Manager at Google. She was very nice and interacted with the whole table. She shared her journey to Google and talked to us about our internships. It was a fun, enthusiastic and enlightening conversation.

#IamRemarkable Workshop

#IamRemarkable is a Google initiative empowering women and underrepresented groups to celebrate their achievements in the workplace and beyond.

This was my favorite session of the day. And it was taken by Kathita!

I would not be able to describe my feelings and experience in words. I resonated with others’ stories and what they went through.

Thinking about why I am remarkable and what I am proud of was nerve-wracking but talking about it was incredibly liberating. Hearing others talk about themselves was amazing and inspirational.

The energy in the room was very different after the session. It ended with the following video and left me a little tearful.

3 PM Surprise — Google Theater Company!

This was an extremely fun session. Two Googlers — Luba and Siddharth conducted the session on Improv Comedy!

I am a huge fan of “Whose Line is it anyway” and was so excited to witness improv IRL.


The session constituted of many, many fun games which us attendees got a chance to participate in. All of us had a blast and laughed our hearts out.

A perfect commencement to a perfect event!

The day’s not over yet…

I stuck around for another hour or so to pick off the minds of Googlers Rahul and Basu, present there. They were so warm and encouraging. It was the best pep talk anyone could receive!

I left the Google office feeling so grateful for the opportunity and so incredibly motivated. This day was definitely the highlight of my year :)

